There are hundreds of bees that are flying through the tiny flowers on the grass beneath me. You can hear birds chirping and the wind blowing through the trees. Silence. How often do you hear complete silence like this? Not very often. Every so often a car will drive by, but no one has stopped. It is like they know I am looking for peace right now and they don't want to disrupt me. I can hear a plane flying through the sky. There are very few clouds to be seen today, it is such a clear and beautiful day.

I am so confused about life right now, that is what I am thinking about in this silence. I am not sure if being alone with my thoughts is a good or bad thing. I can't see things clearly. I can listen to peoples advice about what to do but they are not me and cannot make the decision for me. It's easy to enjoy the tranquility but sometimes you cannot just stop thinking about the stresses of life to look around and enjoy what is right there in front of you. I just need to put everything on the back burner right now and just enjoy the beauty of the world if just for a second.
I am so confused about life right now, that is what I am thinking about in this silence. I am not sure if being alone with my thoughts is a good or bad thing. I can't see things clearly. I can listen to peoples advice about what to do but they are not me and cannot make the decision for me. It's easy to enjoy the tranquility but sometimes you cannot just stop thinking about the stresses of life to look around and enjoy what is right there in front of you. I just need to put everything on the back burner right now and just enjoy the beauty of the world if just for a second.
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